Consent Policy
All families participating in the PlayConnect + Program run through Playgroup NSW are required to complete a Registration Form with personal information about themselves and their children. Your personal information is protected by law, including the Commonwealth Privacy Act.
As part of the funding contract the personal information that is collected from you is required to be entered into an IT system called the ‘DATA EXCHANGE’ which is hosted by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS). The personal information that is stored on the Data Exchange is only disclosed to us for the purposes of providing a service to your family.
DSS de-identifies your data, which means they remove information that identifies you and/or your child. DSS combines your data with other clients data to identify trends at the program level and use the information to develop policy, conduct research and evaluations.
DSS may use this data to produce reports and these reports maybe shared with other organisations. You can find more information about how DSS will manage your personal information in the DSS Privacy Policy on their website:
PlayConnect+ staff will be requesting that you sign consent at the first Playgroup you attend.
You do not have to consent to sharing your personal information with DSS and this will not affect the service you receive. If you do not consent you can ask for your information to be removed at anytime.
Questions and Further Enquiries
For more information please email Playgroup NSW at